Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tips to stop feeling busy

It’s hard to stop being busy. Have your ever tried it? It’s the feeling of busyness that overwhelms us. Today I’ll give you tips to cut it out at the root.

Want to take the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge? Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Matthew 6:30-33 The Message (MSG) “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
feeling busy

Thoughts on feeling busy

We live in a culture that praises busyness. Have you ever caught your responding to the question “How are you doing?” By saying, “I’m busy”?

I’m not criticizing people who have a lot on the go. It’s the Christian work ethic that has built western civilization. I know we can accomplish a lot a feel satisfied not overwhelmed.

But it’s the feeling of being overwhelmed with busyness I’m going to help you get over today.

You were created to walk with God in garden in the cool of the day. Let’s help you get there today.

Tips to stop feeling busy

  1. Know the root of busyness. It’s shame. Unhealthy competition, keeping up with the Jones, FOMO, saving face, doing what’s expected, following societal norms, “I have to put food on the table”
  2. Know shame can mask as virtue. We hide it well. Ask Holy Spirit “Why am I feeling busy?” Jesus told us we can’t work for the show or work for the dough. We can hide either well.
  3. Know the difference between shame and guilt. Guilt is on what we do you leave undone. Shame is on who we are.
  4. Know how to stop shame as your motivation.

How to stop shame as a motivation

1. Confess the sinful ways you have responded to the shame root in your life.

Heavenly Father, I have used busyness to keep me from feeling shame and in response to the shame I feel by (insert activity). In doing this, I have given other people the right to determine my worth. I have not trusted what you say about me. I ask for your forgiveness for this sinful pattern and receive your forgiveness today. Help me to allow Holy Spirit to heal the root of shame in my life.

2. Ask the Father to remind you of people who have shamed you. Make the choice to forgive them.

Heavenly Father, I choose to forgive people who have shamed me. Specifically I choose to forgive (name the person) for shaming me by (incident). I release them into your hands and bless them in the name of Jesus.

3. Ask the Father to break the lies you have come to believe about yourself.

Ask the Father, Son or Spirit to take you back to the place in your past where shame took root. You’ll be brought to a memory.

Describe the situation or picture.

Find where Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) is in the memory.

Ask Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) the lie you learned from the situation (there can be more than shame).

Renounce the lie(s).

Ask Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) what the truth is.

Agree with God and declare the truth.

If you have difficulty with this process get someone with Sozo, Theophostic, or Immanuel training to help you.

4. Live out shame-free relationships.

It is only through healthy relationships that the wounds of shame can ever be fully healed. You need to get into life-giving relationships that do not shame you into action or inaction. You need to commit to doing the same for others.

When you’ve been wounded in community you can only be fully healed in community.- Trevorism

Can I pray for you?

Heavenly Father, thank you for being a good father and for taking care of every need. Thank you for providing us with everything we need for life and godliness. Thank you Jesus that we can’t work the show or work for the dough. Thank you Father we can trust you.

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Your Next Step to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

Since you want to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity, what’s the next steps? Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective. Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ. Colossians 3:1-4 The Message (MSG)
Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

5 Tips for your next step to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

1. Plan your Negativity Fast - When will you start? How long will you go for? How will you increase the positive? How will you limit the negative? How will you cope with the negative when it comes? Don’t put it off. Get started now.

2. Join Live LIGHT Friends on Facebook. Join here

3. Go through all the Tips to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity videos View here

4. Print off your free Personalized Identity in Christ and Book of Ephesians Print off here

5. Sign up for the daily devotionals Sign up here

Can I pray?

Lord, I thank you that you will empower every good work prompted by our faith. I thank you that you will finish the good work you’ve started in us. I thank you that you are Good and in a good mood. I thank you we can trust you with our whole lives. Bless everyone making the decision to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity. Bless them as they act on that decision. Bless them with peace. Amen

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to fast from negativity and enjoy it

So how DO you fast from negativity? 🤔 Learn the easiest way to enjoy the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge available at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. Live Creatively friends. Galatians 4:25-5:1 MSG
fast negativity

Thoughts on How to Fast from Negativity

I haven’t really laid out the “How to” of a fast from negativity. It’s because that’s something that really up to you. When we do one together over Lent, I set more of the boundaries. But when your doing it or organizing your own group to do one, these tips will help.

4 Tips To Fast from Negativity

  1. Pick a season- 40, 52, 3 sets of 21 (Caroline Leaf)
  2. Increase the positive (Steve Backlund- Negativity Fast and Positivity Feast) - sign up for daily email, join Live LIGHT friends, start a Bible Reading plan, listen to worship music on your commute or when you exercise, think about the good, true, right...
  3. Decrease the negative. Limit news cycle. Watch what you watch on TV, don’t show up to every argument wristbands snap
  4. Do it with others. Spouse. Family. Co workers. Church. Live LIGHT friends tool - how to approach a family member to fast from negativity with you?)


Lord, I pray that everyone who chooses to fast from negativity will be blessed and be a blessing. I pray as they refresh others they themselves will be refreshed. I ask for a special grace to sense you more and know you better. I pray they’d trust you more and more and always have your peace. Amen

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

An overview of the 5 Resources to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

Over the years I’ve developed tools to help people Live LIGHT Above the Negativity. Here’s a brief overview of the 5 resources available on https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity


5 Resources to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

  1. 40 Daily Emails - The Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge
  2. Live Casts Recordings - Tips to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity
  3. Ask me anything - Easily using the widget on the lower left hand side
  4. Live LIGHT Friends - An encouraging Facebook Group
  5. Personalized Identity in Christ and Personalized Book of Ephesians
5 resources

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Q&A

Negativity Q&A - Today we’re looking at questions I’ve had over the years from people looking to fast from negativity. Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. Live Creatively friends! Galatians 5:25-6:1 MSG


Q. What does it mean to fast from Negativity?

A. You take your every thought, word and action and make them obedient to Christ. You intentionally try to become more and more and more like Jesus. We should always be living this way, but we’ve found sometimes it’s good to kick-start action with an event like a Negativity Fast. Try it for the next 40 days.

Q. What’s the hardest thing about fasting from negativity?

A. I’m continually amazed at the people who opt out saying, “I just can’t stop being negative right now.” The hardest thing is the commitment to rise above your situation, experience and current mess, Holy Spirit empowers us to accomplish every good work prompted by our faith. You can do it!

Q. What’s your best tip for people fasting from negativity?

A. Do it with someone - a friend, a spouse, a Bible study group. If you don’t have those options, we do have an amazing community of positive people inside Live LIGHT Friends on Facebook. I’d invite anyone who is going through a fast to join the group. https://RevTrev.com/friends

Q. What’s something I can do to always stay positive?

A. Gratitude is a game-changer - especially when we do it without our whole heart. Keep a gratitude journal and write down 3 things every day that you FEEL grateful for. You need to feel grateful. Do something with your appreciation - write it down or if it’s a person you’re grateful for, tell them why you appreciate them. Do this every day and see the difference in your attitude over the 40 day fast.

Q. Why is it important that people give up negativity?

A. There is so much in the world that drags us down, we need to be sure we’re bringing light and life to everywhere in our everyday world where we can have a positive impact. It matters. Little simple gestures change lives daily. Our choice is to make sure those gestures are positive, not negative.

Q&A live LIGHT Above the negativity

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above UnForgiveness

We can’t live with Unforgiveness. The Bible tells us to forgive with our whole hearts. What does that mean and how do we do it? Learn in these Tips to Live LIGHT Above the Unforgiveness.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
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4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above UnForgiveness

  1. Forgive with your whole heart - decision, action, emotion
  2. Decide to Forgive
  3. Do something to show you’ve forgiven
  4. Feel the peace that comes from Forgiving with your whole heart

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

3 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Living Offended at God

Can you really live offended at God? 🤔 Yup. Learn the signs you may be living offended and the tools you have to stop living offended at God.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Ephesians 4:30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.
Living Offended at God
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3 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Being Offended at God

  1. Know you can live offended at God
  2. Know the signs you may be living offended at God
  3. Know the tools to stop living offended at God.

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Judging others

The Bible seems to have conflicting instructions on judging. What’s that’s all about? Will knowing what the issues is help us to live more like Jesus? Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Ephesians 4:29 - Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Thought on judging others

Are you judging others? Are you quick to pass judgment on another? Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? (Romans 14:4) Many times a critical person is someone with the gift of discernment who doesn’t choose to operate in love.

Judging means to discern and decide OR to condemn. Since Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn it (John 3:17), we know we need to understand the times we’re told to judge it means to discern and decide.

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Judging others

  1. Check your fruit - love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self control. Are you living these out when you judge to condemn others?
  2. Golden rule it - do unto others
  3. Humble yourself - ask for forgiveness when it comes out
  4. Rely on Holy Spirit’s help.


Help us judge ourselves so we’ll not be judged and stand condemned with the world.

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Monday, June 22, 2020

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Negative Words

How do you only let words that encourage out of your mouth? (Ephesians 4:29)
Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity


Negative Words
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Ephesians 4:25-31 New Living Translation (NLT) So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbours the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil. If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour.

Thought on Negative Words

Wow…how are we supposed to Live LIGHT Above negative words?

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Negative Words

1. Control your tongue - How? abundance of heart the mouth speaks Proverbs 4:23

2. THINK before you speak (or post)-

True? Ephesians 4:15

Helpful? Colossians 4:6

Intelligent? James 3:13

Necessary? James 1:26

Kind? Titus 3:2

3. Know what Gossip is and stop it. - You know something is gossip when you’re not part of the problem or part of the solution and you’re talking about it.

4. Be Sensitive to Holy Spirit -

Extra tip - elastic band to snap - behaviour modification


“Holy Spirit, remind us every time we don’t speak words that build up someone else. Make us quick to repent and make amends. Soften our excuses and let everything we say be good and helpful, so that our words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The number 1 Tip to Live LIGHT Above Discouragement

We all have bad days. We’ll all go through troubling seasons. Learn how to Live LIGHT Above Discouragement.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity




Ephesians 4:20-23 But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.


All of us are going to have times of discouragement. It’s part of living in a fallen world.

Jesus promised that “in this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33) Paul insisted that, “those who get married at this time will have troubles” (1 Corinthians 7:28).

It’s not a matter of avoiding trouble, it’s how are you going to go through it.

The number 1 Tip to Live LIGHT Above Discouragement

1. Strengthen yourself in the Lord.

You can do this yourself through:

praise and joy;

the Word;

waiting expectantly on the Lord and

praying in the Spirit.

You can get encouragement from others through life-giving relationships.

How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord? Do you have a go-to Rhythm?

Next Step

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above a Negative Environment

Today I have 4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above a Negative Environment. Are you in a place that drags you down? There’s help for that.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity


Negative Environment
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Ephesians 4:18-19 Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him. They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.

Thoughts about Negative Environments

You’re in the world, even though you’re not of it, so you need to know what you do when you’re in a negative environment. What do you do in a negative environment?

I know a toxic person may be in your home. I’m certain you have a few in your work or church.

If you’re not safe, and can’t put up boundaries, remove yourself from an unsafe situation.

But you can be in a safe situation and still be in a negative one.

4 Tips to Live LIGHT Above a Negative Environment

1. Realize you are the light.

2. Stay connected to THE LIGHT - practice the presence Brother Lawerence

3. Work as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23-24

In the same way, wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, even if some disobey the Christian message, they may be won over without a message by the way their wives live 1 Peter 3:1

4. Change what you can change when you can change it…until then, change the atmosphere. It’s what you were made for.

Sign up

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Like it if you like it, share it if you care, set up notifications if you want to know I’m there.

Carpe Vitae!

Friday, June 19, 2020

2 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Self-Condemnation

We can’t believe every thought in our head. Today I share 2 tips to Live LIGHT Above Self-Condemnation. Signing up for the daily emails can help.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity



Ephesians 4:17 With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused.

2 Tips to Live LIGHT Above Self-Condemnation

  1. The Word of God - know the Bible
  2. The word of God - Hear what He says

Personalized Identity in Christ at RevTrev.com/fast

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.

Carpe Vitae!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Tips to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

Learn the why and how of the Live Casts with Tips to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity.

Learn more and sign up for 40 days of email at https://revtrev.com/fast #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity


You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day, sin came into the world and you bore the consequences, Jesus came and took your place and reversed the curse and offered you His yoke that is easy and His burden that is light. You're a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light, will you Live LIGHT?

What if?

What if you're surrounded by negativity?

What if you can't control the thoughts in your head?

What if you seem more and more on the boiling point of anger?

Since 2006 I’ve been helping people through daily emails to think God’s thoughts about themselves and their circumstances. I’ve backed away from that for a while, but have taken the time to update the emails and get them ready for anyone who wants to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity.

There are 3 truths you need to agree with so that you can live LIGHT above the negativity.

3 Truths I need to agree with so I can Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

1. Negativity is any thought, word or action that is not in agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible

2. I can’t control other people’s thoughts words or actions. I can only control mine - with Holy Spirit’s help.

3. Bringing my thoughts, words and actions more into agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible - with Holy Spirit’s help can change the atmosphere in my everyday world - no matter how negative it is.

Live Light above the negativity Challenge

Sign up for the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Challenge - Negativity Fast today at https://revtrev.com/fast and get 40 daily emails to help you Live LIGHT Above the Negativity and bring your thoughts, words and actions into more agreement with the will of God expressed in the Bible.


I’ll be doing Live Casts 8:00 AM Monday - Friday starting Monday June 8. This will be an instruction from the Word, maybe some commentary from me, and a prayer for all of us.

I’ll be unpacking Ephesians 4:15-32 and look at

Tips to Live LIGHT Above Self-Condemnation
Tips to Live LIGHT Above a Negative Environment
Tips to Live LIGHT Above Discouragement
Tips to Live LIGHT Above Negative Words
Tips to Live LIGHT Above Judging others
Tips to Live LIGHT Above Being Offended at God
Tips to Live LIGHT Above UnForgiveness

They will be short. They will be interactive. If you can’t watch them live, you can still comment when you see them and I’ll do my best to respond. In the meantime, I WILL respond to any email you send when you sign up at https://revtrev.com/fast


If you’ve done a negativity fast, can you let me know in the comments if you’re willing to shoot a video to tell others about your experience? I have an app that makes it simple for you to do on your phone or computer. I’d be happy to send you a link.

Oh...here it is https://app.videopeel.com/kb18p9ri

Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, June 6, 2020


#LiveHopeful. Anytime our situation, or health or relationship hits an impossible set of circumstances we need to know how to #LiveHopeful.


#LiveHopeful with God

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

God is the God of hope. He fills us with all peace and joy as we trust in Him so that we’ll overflow with hope by the power of Holy Spirit. It’s not pie-in-the-sky-in-the-sweet-bye-and-bye. It’s real hope. We know we have it when we have real peace.

#LiveHopeful is not an option

Everything not done in faith is sin. Everything not done in love is useless. Everything not done in hope is impossible to endure.

Hope is essential for endurance and persistence is essential for hope.

Remember what the Bible is for…

Everything in the Bible was written to teach us that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

Do you read the Bible or do you the Bible read you?

Do you have hope?

Brother Lawrence sums up the three virtues - Faith, Hope and Love - with this thought:

“Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more is possible for the person who has faith. And still more is possible for the person who knows how to love. But everything is possible for the person who practices all three virtues.”

Faith, Hope and Love are great virtues that reflect the nature of our great God.

Where is your hope?

The battle for hope is not an easy road, but it’s one we all will walk. That’s because the battle for hope is the battle for our identity and one side wants that identity destroyed and the Other wants it to mature into its destiny through the trials of life.

Can I help?

Check out what Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can do for you. https://revtrev.com/group

Friday, June 5, 2020

Hope Right and Give back

Hope right and give back when get back more than you lost, it’s so natural to give back. Let’s look at what happened when David did that.

Hope right and give
Then David came to the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to follow him and who were left behind at the Besor Ravine. They came out to meet David and the people with him. As David and his men approached, he greeted them. But all the evil men and troublemakers among David's followers said, "Because they did not go out with us, we will not share with them the plunder we recovered. However, each man may take his wife and children and go." David replied, "No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the LORD has given us. He has protected us and handed over to us the forces that came against us. Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike." David made this a statute and ordinance for Israel from that day to this. When David arrived in Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah, who were his friends, saying, "Here is a present for you from the plunder of the LORD's enemies." He sent it to those who were in Bethel, Ramoth Negev and Jattir; to those in Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa and Racal; to those in the towns of the Jerahmeelites and the Kenites; to those in Hormah, Bor Ashan, Athach and Hebron; and to those in all the other places where David and his men had roamed. v21-31

Hope Right and Give Back

David got back more than he lost. He gave to those who did what they could. He also spread the wealth of the extra he took back to the Elders of Judah.

In a short while Saul and his line would be killed in battle. Guess who was the first to welcome David into his destiny as king?

The Elders from Judah were the ones to recognize his anointing first. It took seven years for the rest of the tribes agree he was the man to lead them. It took more bloodshed and time before his full destiny was realized. But would it have happened at all if he wasn’t generous with what he was given?

Have you been generous?

Are you generous with what God has been entrusting to you? I’m talking time and finances yes, but also talent and passion and skills. Are you generous and ready to bless others with that.

The other day Facebook was asking me to set up automatic responses to frequently asked questions. I don't get FAQ's often. The questions I usually get are RNTQ's - Randomly Non-linear Theological Questions.

I got one that same day. My first response was to not respond. That person I didn’t know could search my website and find a half dozen articles on the question they asked. Why should I do that legwork for them.

Then I remembered they were contacting me from another site and maybe didn’t see my teaching anywhere else. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was being stingy. So I took the time and found those articles and sent back a response with those links for them to check out.

I don’t know if anything will come from that. I’m not sure anything has to. I had to be generous with my time and actions to honour God and obey His leading.

Hope right and give back benefit

And actually I was blessed reading some of the material I found on my website. What’s that Proverb? Those who refresh others will they themselves be refreshed.

It’s true. Be blessed as you bless others.

What is something you can give someone this week?

Can I help you bless others?

Learn today what Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can do for you https://revtrev.com/group

Hope Right Give

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hope RIGHT and Recover More Than You Lost

Hope right and recover more than you lost. Learn how to be confident you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

hope right

Hope Right

The payoff with hope is that you can recover more than you lost. It’s not guaranteed. It’s not a five-step formula. But if we learn to trust God with the outcome, we will come out further ahead…eventually.

David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back. He took all the flocks and herds, and his men drove them ahead of the other livestock, saying, "This is David's plunder.”

The good news about David’s story is that when the worst happened and he lost everything he did the right things. He strengthened himself in the Lord. He asked God what to do. He obeyed what he was told. He let others cope how they could. He attacked.

And he recovered more than he lost.

You can too.

Hope Right, don’t let this season go to waste.

Plant seed in the famine.

Do the same thing David did whenever you know you’re in a battle for hope - in your health, in your relationships, or in your finances.

Strengthen yourself in God, listen for what He will say, obey what He tells you to do, do what you can along the way…in God’s time He will make it all beautiful.

He will fill finish the work He’s started in you. He will make EVERYTHING work out for the good of those He has called. He’s called you. He works all things together for your good. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!

Take care of the most brutal truths of your reality day-in and day-out, but know in the end you won’t trade what He offers in exchange for your pain with anything.

He does do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine.

Hope isn’t wishful thinking

Hope isn’t wishful thinking. It’s trusting God with the process so you can strengthen yourself, hear from Him and obey whatever He tells you to do.

Have you been doing that?

If yes, awesome! Encourage whoever God puts on your heart today.

Have you not been doing that?

Make time and repent. Ask Him to help you trust Him. Obey whatever you sense He’s telling you to do today.

And the peace of God will be with you.

Can I help you?

Do you want to see how Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can help you hope right? Learn more https://revtrev.com/group

Hope Right

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

To Hope - Make use of Identity and Authority

Identity and authority are necessary to hope. This isn’t a quick lesson. But you’ll learn where to start today.

I go into more detail in my books and my classes and my coaching.

Hope has been a motivator in my life and I’ve learned how to hope in some really hard times. It’s not the same kind of hard times you’ve had to go through, because your journey is different than mine. But we all need to know how to battle for hope.

identity and authority

He led David down, and there they were, scattered over the countryside, eating, drinking and reveling because of the great amount of plunder they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from Judah. 1 Samuel 30:16

Identity and Authority is needed to hope

David and his men have lost everything in an attack on Ziklag. David strengthened himself in the Lord, he asks God what to do, he gets a plan and gets moving. Then a bunch of his men need to stay behind the rest go forward and attack. That’s where we’re at in the story.

To hope you need to make use of your identity and authority

Have you ever noticed when Jesus says something and in the next few sentences he’ll say something that is apparently quite contradictory?

He tells us,

“When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Matthew 6:7-8

A few verses later he says:

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

Those statements almost seem counter-intuitive. First, we’re not to babble like the pagans who think they’ll be heard with their many words, next we’re told to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking.

What’s going on here? Jesus said both in the same message.

Identity and Authority - what I’ve discovered

What I have discovered is I don’t need to beg God for the necessities of life. I have a good Father who takes care of what I need, that’s living out of my identity.

There are things in my life that I am becoming. Who has God entrusted me to be? Those things I need to pray into existence. I need to ask and keep asking. I need to seek and keep seeking. I need to knock and keep knocking. In context when Jesus told us to do that he was talking about not judging others.

Who needs to live that out in their life?

How does identity and authority work? I have some really crazy stories about how I’ve learned about authority and identity.

I want to default to my identity. I want my Good Father to take care of me so why do I have to be worried about anything.

But there are times and seasons I need to live out of my authority. In this journey of hope there will be a time you need to press in.

How do you know when to exert your authority?

The best advice I’ve ever heard is this: “If you think it’s a season you need to use your identity and rest and nothing happens, maybe try using your authority. If you think you’re in a season to live out of your authority and you declare it and proclaim it and name it and claim it and blab it and grab it and nothing happens, maybe try resting and receiving from God.”

4 Identity and authority tips for knowing which one to use

  1. If one doesn’t work try the other.
  2. If God’s answer is a promise, it’s time for me to grow in my authority.
  3. If I’m moved by compassion, it’s time to use my authority.
  4. Peace comes from trusting God and when I trust God I move in His authority. Peace is the proof of my authority.

I don’t know what season you’re in, but I want you to remember you have a Good Father who is taking care of you AND you have a Good King who has granted you His authority in a lot of the matters you might be struggling in.

Can I help you?

Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can help you move from busyness to blessing. Learn more today https://revtrev.com/group

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hope needs momentum even if it’s a little

Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little. Learn what you can do today to have a little more hope.

Hope needs momentum

David and the six hundred men with him came to the Besor Ravine, where some stayed behind, for two hundred men were too exhausted to cross the ravine. But David and four hundred men continued the pursuit v.9-10

Hope needs momentum and trust

Remember to hope, we need to trust God. Don’t forget we need to trust God with our whole heart.

That means it’s not just an emotion - which should be peace, it means a decision of the mind but it’s action that needs to take place to show our hope is in God.

When David and his men took off, two hundred were too tired to continue and David told them to stay and look after the bags so the rest could pursue faster.

That is the thing that each of us need to understand when our health, finances or relationship is attacked. After we’ve made the decision to obey, it’s not that we need to do a lot. It is that we need to do something.

Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little.

Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little.

David ends up instituting a rule that those who stayed behind got the same plunder as those who went ahead to plunder and recover all.

Each of us needs to do what we can.

When you battle for hope and you hear from God and you decide to obey - you might not be on the front line fighting the battle, but you need to commit to do what you can.

What is something you can do to show yourself you're trusting God?

What has he told you to do that you’ve been making excuses to obey?

Obey and do what you can to move that needle just that little bit.

Do you need help?

Do you want to learn how Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can help you move from busyness to blessing? Learn more https://revtrev.com/group

hope needs momentum

Monday, June 1, 2020

To Hope - Refocus from the Pain to the Promise

We need to remember to hope we need to refocus from the pain the the promise. How do you do that? You can and must. Here’s how…

refocus from the pain to the promise

David and the six hundred men with him came to the Besor Ravine,

Refocus from the pain to the promise

There is a shift in David’s story in 1 Samuel 30 when him and his men turn from the pain they feel and mov into attack mode.

The same thing happens to us.

It’s easy for us to get stuck on something.

It happened to me.

After my heart attack I was focused on what I could do and what I could control. I could only control how I exercised and what I put into my body.

But there came a time for me to do more.

One day I was journaling and I wrote down what I felt God was responding to me. I was surprised to write. “You’ve been accepting and lamenting, now it’s time to start receiving and believing.”

refocus from the pain to the promise

I needed to realize that while I had boundaries for what I could do, and it might be true I could never do again what I used to do, those boundaries are blessing boundaries for me. God can bless the little I have to offer. My loaves and fishes can feed more than I imagine.

It was a change for me.

It was a necessary change for me.

Might it be for you?

Do you need to refocus from the pain to the promise?

Whatever experience you may be going through, whatever relationship may be falling apart, whatever illness has your full attention, you may be accepting the reality of today fine…but you might be lamenting something or everything that you’ve lost.

Do you believe God can still bless the little you have to offer?

Isaac planted seeds in a famine and God blessed, he really blessed, he really, really blessed and Isaac received 100 fold harvest.

You might only have a seed, but it doesn’t do anybody any good if you look at it and wish it was the fruit it came from. Plant it in good soil and see what God can do.

Do you need help?

Do you want help with this? Find out what Live LIGHT Rhythm (group) coaching can do for you. https://revtrev.com/group

refocus from the pain to the promise