Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I thank God for the path He has me on

"I thank God for the path He has me on" reflects gratitude for divine guidance, encouraging faith and trust in life's journey and the lessons learned along the way.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

thank God

I thank God for the path He has me on

“O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” - Psalm 95:1-3 (GW)

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Read I thank God for the path He has me on

This path I am on may not always be easy. Each day has enough trouble of its own. But I know I cannot give God credit for the works of the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I know I need to choose to consider all hardship as discipline, knowing He is good and will work all things together for good. I choose to worry about nothing, pray about everything and thank God in all things because He cares for me and this is His will for me in Christ Jesus.

Jesus is the light of the world. As I follow Him, I do not have to walk in darkness, because I have the light that leads to life. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. The Lord my God teaches me what is good for me and leads me along the paths I should follow.

When I need wisdom, I ask my generous God, and He gives the wisdom I need. He does not rebuke me for asking. The Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest and is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to Him. From Him I understand what is right, just, and fair, and I find the right way to go.

I know what it is like to live and I know what it is like to feel alive. Yes, I will endure to the end, but I choose to live every day of my life. I can when I trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on what I can only understand. Seek His will in all I do. He shows me which path to take. He goes before me and beside me and inside me. He was and is and is to come. What surprises me, never catches Him off guard. I can trust Him because He is so trustable, and He is so very good.

I thank God for the path He has me on. Even though I may not see the whole path, He shows me the next step when I am still enough to listen. I follow the path of peace.

Today, I thank God for His leading, protection, empowerment, trust, and trustability.

Reflection Questions to ask Holy Spirit:

  1. Do I feel like I can thank You for this path I’m on?
  2. Have I acted on the wisdom You’ve given me?
  3. Do I trust You enough to take the next step?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

thank God

Monday, October 14, 2024

Another day in this world is truly a gift

Another day in this world is truly a gift, reminding us to cherish every moment and embrace life's beauty with gratitude and positivity.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

Another Day

Another day in this world is truly a gift

“For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” - 1 Timothy 4:4 (GW)

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Read Another day in this world is truly a gift

Today is a precious gift for which I am grateful. I have been given another day in this world to both receive blessings and be a blessing to others. It is an opportunity for me to witness the transformation of those whom Jesus died for as they enter the kingdom of light. I can witness their healing, cleansing, deliverance, and even their resurrection. The power of the kingdom has been freely given to me, so I freely share it with others.

I can only do these things in this world; they are not possible in the next. Therefore, another day in this world is truly a gift. This world is not my permanent home; I am merely passing through. My true citizenship is in heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ reigns on the throne. I eagerly await His return as my Saviour. On that day, He will transform my humble body and make it identical to His glorified body, using His incomparable power that brings everything under His control.

For now, I am here in this world, while He never leaves or forsakes me. My purpose is to refresh and bless others and to make a positive difference in this world. I love God and love people so that they can love God and love people. Today, I may be the answer to someone’s prayer and I may be the only representation of Jesus that some may ever see. I seek the peace and prosperity of the everyday world where God has intentionally placed me.

When doubts arise and I feel unworthy of God’s love, I remember that His love surpasses all doubts. I silence the condemning voices and instead listen to the reassuring voice of God’s love. He has chosen me to be a part of His family. I have been adopted into God’s family and am now His child. Although I may not fully understand my destiny, I know that when Jesus appears, I will be transformed to be like Him because I will see Him as He truly is.

As I eagerly anticipate His return, I strive to keep myself pure, just as He is pure, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I start each day with anticipation of what lies ahead, knowing that God has prepared tasks for me to accomplish. Life is unpredictable, which makes it more interesting. I choose to always be curious.

Another day in this world is another reason to rejoice! I recognize that life is short, forever is real, and loving right matters the most. Therefore, I am determined to make the most of each day. God empowers me to do every good work that faith prompts me to do. I choose not to worry about anything but pray about everything and give thanks to God in all circumstances. The prospect of living in this present moment fills me with excitement because God has prepared me for it!

Today, I eagerly look forward to another day blessed by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. I use my time wisely and embrace intentional living. Another day in this world is truly a gift.

Reflection Questions to ask Holy Spirit:

  1. What have You taught me in the challenging times in my life?
  2. When have I felt hopeless in the past? How did You encourage me?
  3. What surprises do You have for me today?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

another day

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Happiness happens when I feel gratitude

Do you know that embracing gratitude can unlock true happiness and transform your life?Explore practical tips for cultivating a grateful mindset today.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks


Happiness happens when I feel gratitude

“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” - Psalm 106:1 (GW)

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Read Happiness happens when I feel gratitude

Happiness is a by-product rather than my goal. My desire is to become more and more like Jesus. He teaches me about His love and how I can bear lasting fruit, which brings Him joy and fills me with complete joy. The Father set apart the Son with joy, and Jesus Himself is filled with ecstatic joy by the Holy Spirit. It is my aspiration to emulate Him.

By remaining in Him and allowing His words to remain in me, I have the privilege of asking for whatever I desire, and it will be granted to me! The Father already knows all my needs, so I can confidently trust Him and not worry about what I eat or wear. Just as God wonderfully cares for wildflowers, which are here today and gone tomorrow, He will certainly care for me.

Happiness is cultivated when I choose to wholeheartedly express gratitude. That means I actively choose to be thankful and feel a deep sense of gratitude. I show appreciation and bless others with the blessings I have received. I express gratitude with my entire being - in my decisions, emotions, and actions. This leads to happiness.

I am grateful for every opportunity, and I release any worries about perfection. Every situation presents both challenges and rewards, but it is through these challenges that I experience growth. Everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected when it’s received with thanksgiving. I purposefully seek to discern what God is doing in every circumstance. So I align myself with His peace and find joy, even when faced with problems. I trust God is working all things together for the good and will provide the right words and attitude for every situation.

I recognize obstacles are an integral part of life’s journey. Facing them head-on strengthens me, knowing that God has led me to them or will help me navigate through them. I welcome challenges and opportunities to become more like Jesus and consider it a pure joy when I encounter various trials, knowing God will complete the good work He began in me. I treat hardships as discipline and know that God is a good Father who will use it for the good and restore what the locusts have eaten.

By releasing expectations of ease or perfection, I open my eyes to see God’s hand at work in every situation. I understand that happiness is found in the expression of gratitude. So I choose to be grateful today.

Reflection Questions to ask Holy Spirit:

  1. Am I waiting for perfection in order to be happy?
  2. Do I view challenges as obstacles or opportunities?
  3. How have I seen God working all things together for good?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart


Saturday, October 12, 2024

I am so very grateful for today

Test out the power of being grateful for today. Explore heartfelt reflections and simple practices that can enhance your appreciation for today.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

grateful for today

I am so very grateful for today

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.” - 1 Thessalonians 1:2 (GW)

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Read I am so very grateful for today

I begin this day with a smile on my face, filled with anticipation. Today is a gift from the Lord, and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Each day is a fresh start, as His unwavering love is renewed every morning. I feel completely liberated from yesterday’s burdens. I recognize the many incredible gifts bestowed upon me by God, and I am thankful for each one.

Today is a precious present, and I choose to live in the present moment. I am learning to savour every aspect of the day to the fullest. In the presence of God, there is abundant joy. I know that His presence is with me throughout every moment of the day. He is always with me. I need to be with Him. As I am with Him, each day becomes a thrilling new adventure.

Life unfolds effortlessly for me, and I am excited about what lies ahead, for God is already there. Every one of my days was ordained before I even came into existence. There are many marvellous opportunities on the horizon for me. As I wholeheartedly trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will direct my path. I feel blessed by God to have such an exhilarating future.

Occasionally, I may momentarily forget to express gratitude for my life, but that feeling quickly dissipates. Gratitude is a choice that influences my decisions, actions, and emotions. I choose to remember all the things in my life that fill me with gratitude, and I express appreciation for them. I smile and move forward with my day.

Truly, I am blessed to experience and I emotionally embrace all the wonderful aspects of my life. I cherish my relationships with friends and family. I use my free time in a manner that brings me joy. And as incredible as my life already is, it continues to improve. With God on my side, the best is yet to come! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within me. I know His plans for me are good, to make me more and more like Him.

Empowered by Him, I can more easily change my life and accomplish every task inspired by my faith. Today has the potential to be the most remarkable day I have ever experienced.

Today, I reflect upon all the things that make my life wonderful. I am grateful for today.

Reflection Questions to ask Holy Spirit:

  1. What do You want me to feel thankful for today?
  2. What should I do to show Jesus and His lordship in my life more?
  3. What do You want me to do in the challenging areas of my life?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

grateful for today

Friday, October 11, 2024

I am grateful for the blessings of God that I experience daily

Discover the daily blessings of God that inspire gratitude and enrich our lives, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences of joy.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

blessings from God

I am grateful for the blessings of God that I experience daily

“Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him. Those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord since they give thanks to God before eating. And those who refuse to eat certain foods also want to please the Lord and give thanks to God.” Romans 14:6 (GW)

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Read I am grateful for the blessings of God that I experience daily

I am so grateful for all the blessings I have in my life. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him. He supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. He shines His face upon me and is gracious to me and He shows me His favour and gives me His peace. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings He provides.

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have and I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Each day I count my blessings. God generously provides all I need. I have everything I need and plenty left over to share with others.

God is working in me, giving me the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. He can do anything, far more than I can ever imagine or guess or request in my wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing me around but by working within me, His Spirit deeply and gently within me.

Thank you for the great friends and family who believe in me. I use what God blesses me with to bless others, and I am rich in good works and generous to those in need. I am always ready to share with others as I know I am storing up my treasure as a good foundation for the future so that I may experience true life.

The LORD is my shepherd. I lack nothing. There is no point in tirelessly toiling from dawn to dusk, anxiously striving for sustenance; because God grants rest to those He loves. I trust Him to meet all my needs and make it my ambition to lead a quiet life: to mind my own business and to work with my hands. He’s the one who gives me the power to create wealth. I cannot be proud and I cannot trust in money, which is so unreliable. I trust in God, who richly gives me all I need for my enjoyment.

Today, I give thanks for all that I have. I give thanks to the One who has entrusted me with it. I am grateful for the blessings of God that I experience daily.

Reflection Questions to Ask Holy Spirit:

  1. What blessings do I have in my life that fills me with feelings of gratitude?
  2. How can I be more open to being content in every situation?
  3. Do I feel like I trust the Father to meet all my needs today?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

blessings from God

Thursday, October 10, 2024

I am grateful for all that I have

Emphasizing "I am grateful for all that I have" encourages a mindset of appreciation, enhancing happiness and fostering a positive outlook on life.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks


I am grateful for all that I have

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (GW)

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Read I am grateful for all that I have

Every good and perfect gift comes from my Father of light who doesn’t change like shifting shadows. Everything He created is good and so nothing is to be rejected when I receive it with thanksgiving. When I reflect on everything I have been entrusted with, I realize the boundary markers have fallen for me in pleasant places. I am blessed.

From my home, to the people I enjoy who enjoy me, to my job, and my hobbies, my life is full of many things that bring me joy, laughter, and refreshing. My life is filled with abundance because of the beautiful people I have in my life.

My loved ones are accepting of both my strengths and weaknesses. I’m so blessed my partner understands me, and my relatives are helpful whenever I need them. My friends are there to celebrate with me.

As I forgive, and I am forgiven and as I give, I receive. When I bless, I am blessed and when I refresh, I am refreshed. Whatever I gratefully give, He returns to me in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into my lap. The amount I give determines the amount I get back. In gratitude, I give and appreciate what has been given to me.

Following His path sustains me. His will is for me to give thanks in all circumstances. It’s for my own good. I will worry about nothing, pray about everything and thank Him in all things. Hearing Him rejoice over me with singing gives me life. His body is actual food. His blood is actual drink.

Today, I take count of my blessings. It is important to acknowledge everything I have in this life. I am grateful for my multitude of riches.

Reflection Questions to Ask Holy Spirit:

  1. Do I gratefully reflect on everything I have in my life often enough?
  2. What good thing happened one time I expressed my gratitude?
  3. When have I had difficulty acknowledging what I am thankful for?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I am full of gratitude

Rediscover the power of being full of gratitude in your life. Learn how embracing thankfulness can enhance your overall well-being.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

full of gratitude

I am full of gratitude

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” - Colossians 2:6-7 (GW)

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Read I am full of gratitude

I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with His praise. I live and breathe with gratitude to God; if things aren’t going well, I choose to praise Him with heart-felt thanksgiving. God met me more than halfway. He freed me from my anxious fears. I look at Him; and give Him my warmest smile. I never hide my feelings from Him.

I rejoice when I can rejoice and lament when I need to lament. If my heart is broken, I’ll find God right there; if I’m kicked in the gut, He’ll help me catch my breath.

He is so good to me! I have so much to be thankful for. He overwhelms with more blessings than I can ever imagine! People who care about me surround me, and I am aware of their loving presence. Because of Him and because of them, I am full of gratitude.

Each day, I take a few moments to remind myself of my many blessings. I think of the people who love me. I take a moment to appreciate them in return. What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks for all that You have entrusted to me. I get to announce Your love each daybreak and rehearse Your faithfulness as night begins to fall. You make me so happy, God. I see Your work and I shout for joy. How magnificent Your work, God! How profound Your thoughts!

Thank you for Your physical and spiritual and relational and generational blessings! Thank You that You have blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus! I sing not only when I’m happy; I sing because of Him! I sing in response to what He’s done, for who He’s revealed Himself to be, and for what He’s promised to do.

I sing before the answer comes and I sing in the midst of the battle. I give thanks in all circumstances because this is His will for me. I worry about nothing. I pray about everything. I thank Him in all things.

Today, I am thankful for the blessings in my life. I take time to be conscious of each of them. With all of this abundance surrounding me, I am full of gratitude.

Reflection Questions to Ask Holy Spirit:

  1. What do I feel thankful for today?
  2. Who do You want me to serve today?
  3. Am I willing to give You thanks before the answer comes?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

full of gratitude