This reflection helps you to remember that quietness and trust is your strength. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 22 - Quietness and Trust is my Strength Reflection - LiveCast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
Repentance and rest is my salvation. Quietness and trust is my strength. I govern my anger anytime I am provoked and patiently bear out the anger of others, even when it’s been misplaced on me. My gentleness is evident to all. I trust God to fight my battles. I take up my position, stand firm and see the deliverance of the Lord.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to be faithful in little things. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 21 - I am faithful in little things Reflection - Live Cast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I am faithful in little things and have been entrusted with larger. I am intentional to keep the main thing the main thing. I love God and love people so that they can love God and love people. I worship Christ as Lord of my life and when anyone asks me about my hope as a believer, I am always ready to explain it and explain it in a gentle and respectful way.
Have I been ready and able to share my faith lately?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to the good you should do for everyone. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 20 - I do good to everyone in my everyday world Reflection - Live Cast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I do good to everyone in my everyday world. I choose to smile to put people at ease. I am friendly and find people are friendly back. I look for ways I can bless and not have it taken as a curse. I look out for the interests of others and not merely my own.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to be kind. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 19 - I am kind Reflection - Live Cast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I am kind to everyone in my every day world. I look out for their interests and not merely my own. I do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. I don’t live to work or work to live. In humility I consider others ahead of myself. I don’t do what I do to get a reward or look good in eyes of others. They see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven.
Have I been looking out for my own interests lately?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to be patient. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 18 - I am patient Reflection - Live cast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
As I love, I am patient, I am kind. I am not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. I do not demand my own way. I am not irritable. I keep no record of being wronged. I am interruptible and unoffendable. I am patient.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
The Live LIGHT LOOP celebrates all things Live LIGHT - including the books, and courses, and resources, and community and coaching that can be found on
Live LIGHT with Your Whole Heart is available for pre-sale. Move from giving problems too much influence to having no fear of bad news even when it comes. This course is in pre-sale and is expected to launch by June 2022. Buy now for the best price.
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Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal - perfect bound edition - will soon be on Amazon
Live LIGHT - Don’t have time to be busy - will also be available in print and ebook editions on Amazon soon.
This reflection helps you to seek peace at all times and in every situation. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 17 - I seek peace at all times and in every situation - Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I seek peace at all times and in every situation. Peace guides my steps and guards my emotions. Peace rules in my heart and I am thankful. As far as it depends on me, I live at peace with everyone. Anything that costs me my peace, is too expensive. He is my peace.
Have I experienced peace at all times and in every situation lately?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to remember the joy of the Lord is your strength. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 16 - The joy of the Lord is my strength Reflection - Live Cast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. I praise Him in the storm. I thank Him before the answer comes. His joy bubbles up in me. I celebrate every day. He rejoices over me with singing. It is good to sing praises to Him and thank Him in all situations. He is my joy.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to love because you are first loved. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 15 - I love because I am first loved Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I love because I am first loved. Perfect love casts out fear. Perfect love comes from the Father to me and flows from me to everyone in my everyday world. I recognize His love is on me and over me and in me and I am thankful for the great love He entrusts to me.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to know to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 14 - I grow in the fruit of Spirit Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I grow in the fruit of Spirit. Love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and self-control all are becoming more and more evident in my life. I notice the difference and others comment on the difference. I am becoming more like Jesus.
Have I noticed more of the Spirit’s fruit in my life lately?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to mediate on His Word . A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 13 - On His Word I meditate Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I hide his Word in my heart so I don’t sin against him. On his Word I meditate day and night. His Word is lamp to my feet and light to my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, I follow his righteous word. His word is bread. His word is truth. His word is life. I think about what is good and right and true.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to have hope that is real and not disappoint. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 12 - My Hope Is Real Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
My hope is real. It does not disappoint. My hope is not in potential or circumstance, it is in the person of my risen Lord. Because He lives, the best is yet to come! Because he goes before and behind me and is within me, my hope is real!
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to know faith is your natural response to His revelation. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 11 - Faith is my natural response Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
Faith is my natural response to His revelation. It’s a gift He freely gives me. It’s a muscle I need to exercise. Faith without works is dead. I prove my faith by the good works He shines through me for people to see. Faith is the shield that protects me. Faith is one of the three that remain.
Do people see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
This reflection helps you to look for opportunities to share Jesus and his love. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 10 - I look for opportunity to share Jesus and his love Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I look for opportunity to share Jesus and his love
I look for opportunity to share Jesus and his love. I am prepared to give answer when people ask about the hope I have. I want people to know about what Jesus has done in my life. His peace and joy and hope are evident and I am excited when people ask me about it.
Am I active in sharing my faith? When was the last time I talked to someone about Jesus?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all for free at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
The Live LIGHT LOOP celebrates all things Live LIGHT - including the books, and courses, and resources, and community and coaching that can be found on
“Live LIGHT - Don’t have time to be busy” Is still available for an ARC. Request your copy by following the link at
Be part of Live LIGHT Pathway and get access to ALL the Courses and Resources AND Community Here’s what’s new this week.
Private Podcast
PRAISE God with your Whole Heart - Here’s a tool to help you PRAISE God with your Whole Heart. Join the community
Conversation Cafe
How can a Christian be depressed? In conversation with Cheryl Shea once again we talk about Christians being depressed. Join the community
Don’t Miss - Most downloaded Podcast this week…
Watch, Listen or Read the full message “Are you praising God with your Whole Heart?”
What you need to know
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This reflection helps you to know you are loved and to live loved. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the devotional at Subscribe to the podcast at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity #thoughts
Watch Day 9 - I am loved. I live loved. Reflection - Livecast
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I am loved. I live loved. No greater love is there than to lay down your life for another. Christ laid down his life for me. I lay down my life for my loved ones. His love is in me and empowers me to love - not only those I love - but those I find it difficult to love. I lived loved because I am loved.
Who have I shown love to lately? Was it easy or not so easy?
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
7 prayers you can pray for your heart
Pray for your Delight. “Align my delight to be your delight.” Psalm 37:4
Pray for your Desires. “Align my desires to be your desires.” Matthew 6:9-10
Pray for your Dependence. “Increase my dependance on you.” John 15:5
Pray for your Desperation. “Keep me desperate for you.” Psalm 119:7
Pray for your Discipline. “Discipline me for my good.” Hebrews 12:10-11
Pray for your Diligence. “Increase my resolve to do your will.” Ephesians 5:15
What to learn more about how to Live LIGHT with your whole heart? Check out
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
Praising God with our whole heart is one of the most fundamental things we can do as followers of Jesus Christ. It may seem like a small thing, but it effects everything we do. Learn how to know if you are praising God with your whole heart and what to do if you find you are not. If you want to learn more check out
When I was a young pastor I found a Psalm that said:
Psalm 119:164 I will praise you seven times a day because all your regulations are just.
Now I knew that 7 was the number of completeness and wholeness and I knew that psalmist was poetically saying “praise him fully, praise him completely, don’t hold back when you praise him”
But I had the thought… what would it be like to praise Him 7 times a day?
I can’t remember the technology I had, but the iPhone hadn’t been invented. It was probably a watch I had that could have multiple alarms on.
Whatever it was, I set it up notify me 7 times a day. I titled it - Praise Break.
Honestly, sometimes it was a little annoying to hear that ding. But I can also remember a number of times I was lost in my own thoughts and suddenly I was reminded to think about God for a few minutes. And it was really good. I can remember a couple of meetings when it might seem rude to have a notification come up, but it turned the meeting around. One in particular I was being yelled at for something by someone I didn’t really know, so I just stopped his rant “Praise Break” and I thanked God for the opportunity to see what He wanted to do…and the atmosphere shifted.
Have you ever tried to interrupt your day with praising God?
It’s an interesting exercise.
Since then I’ve come to realize that one of the 7 things the Bible tells us to do with our whole heart is to Praise God. The other six I’ve found if you’re interested are…
Trust God
Thank God
Love and Serve God
Seek God
Forgive others
Work as unto the Lord
These are the things we’re told to do with all our heart.
We’re also told to praise God with all our heart.
Psalm 86:12 With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give glory to your name forever,
Psalm 9:1-2 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvellous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.
Did you catch that? If you’ve been around for a while you know the Hebrew understanding of heart is more than just the seat of our emotions… it’s also the seat of our decision and the seat of our action.
I will tell of all the marvellous things you have done. (action)
I will be filled with joy because of you. (emotion)
will sing praises to your name, O Most High. (decision)
Problem - We can go through the motions or we can ignore the motions.
We can go through the motions of praising God. We can sing the songs when we gather together and not let them change us so we leave a different way than we came in.
We can avoid gathering as the church or routinely come late or come and stare at the words, or more likely our phones and not even pretend to be praising God.
And yet we’re to praise Him with our whole heart. I don’t think that means for 1 hour a week when we gather.
What happens when we gather needs to be a a natural response to how we live our lives.
When we live our lives with our whole heart - when we choose to trust God, and choose to thank God, and choose to love and serve God and choose to seek God and choose work as unto the Lord and oh yah, keep account short with others and forgive them with our whole heart. When we do that praise is our natural response.
Everything we’re are told to do with our whole heart makes praising God with our whole heart a natural response.
Why does God want us to praise Him?
That’s a great question. I’m so glad you asked.
Psalm 135:16-18 (Psalm 115:6-8 as well) They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and mouths but cannot breathe. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.
What’s the principle?
We become like what we worship
Who is the One we praise?
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17
Praising God with our whole heart can spring from any part of our heart
Sometimes praising God with our whole heart springs from emotion
Psalm 126:1-3 When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!
It’s usually easiest to praise God when times are good. When you slow down to notice the blessings He’s entrusted to you. When you you choose gratitude and to thank God with your whole heart, praising Him with your whole heart becomes a natural bi-product.
Sometimes praising God with our whole heart springs from a decision
2 Chronicles 20
Jehoshaphat prayed a prayer, a prophetic answer came to take up their positions, stand firm and see the deliverance of the Lord, so the next day he sent out the praisers ahead of the army to face the three armies coming against them and as
2 Chronicles 20:22 they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed.
Sometimes praise is choice. We speak to our soul and say, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” Psalm 103:1-2 It’s a decision that we need to make. It’s a decision to forgive and a decision to seek God.
Sometimes praising God with our whole heart springs from action
Joshua 6
God told Joshua the game plan and he priests blew the horns every day they marched with the warriors around the walls of Jericho. And on the seventh day, when they marched around it seven times, the horns gave a long blast and all the people shouted and the walls of Jericho came down.
Joshua 6:15-16 On the seventh day the Israelites got up at dawn and marched around the town as they had done before. But this time they went around the town seven times. The seventh time around, as the priests sounded the long blast on their horns, Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the town!
Sometimes it’s a action - we need to intentionally carve out time or take time that we’ve carved out to praise Him with our whole heart - not just say the rote prayer but actually feel thankful when we pray it. The action could be raising our hands or singing in the car with the praise music being played.
Yes, we praise Him in the good times.
Yes, we praise Him in the storm.
Yes, we praise Him before the battle and we praise Him in the battle.
It is a decision. It is an action. It is an emotion.
You know you are praising God with your whole heart when joy fills your life. When we praise him we enter his presence (Psalm 22:3) and in His presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 16:11
When you praise God with your whole heart your life is filled with joy.
What is holding you back from praising God with all of your heart?
Ignorance: Didn’t know you could praise God with your whole heart - now you know.
Arrogance: If you don’t think God is to be praise - need to grow in your knowledge of God.
Sin: Sin separates us from God - confession and repentance is the key
Offence: Has God done something that you don’t agree with or not done something you expect him to do? Learn to live unoffended at Him. He will work all things together for good.
When you live whole hearted you praise God with your whole heart. Out of the abundance in the heart, your speech overflows.
A - Agree to trust what He is doing. Jeremiah 18:6
I - Imitate His Love. 1 John 4:19
S - Savour His presence. Psalm 16:11
E - Enjoy His creation. Psalm 8:3-5
P - Present each day to Him.
Romans 12:1 (Whatever you do…as unto the Lord)
Start the day off praising Him. Decide to praise Him.
Do I start my day praising God?
R - Remember what He has done.
Isaiah 64:3-4 (Thank God…)
Feel what it felt like when you first realized what He was doing. Praising Him with your whole heart requires emotion.
What can I remember God doing in my life?
A - Agree to trust what He is doing.
Jeremiah 18:6 (Trust God…)
What does does trust look like? Trust is often an action.
Do I trust Him to work it all together for good?
I - Imitate His Love.
1 John 4:19 (Love and Serve God…)
Praising Him with our whole heart requires our obedience to Him.
What does love look like today?
S - Savour His presence.
Psalm 16:11 (Seek God…)
Practicing the presence of God.
Do I spend time in His presence each day?
E - Enjoy His creation.
Psalm 8:3-5 (when right with God and right with others so Forgive…)
Enjoy the seasons - buds of spring, green of summer…
Am I taking time to be in awe of His creation?
P - Present each day to Him. Romans 12:1
R - Remember what He has done. Isaiah 64:3-4
A - Agree to trust what He is doing. Jeremiah 18:6
I - Imitate His Love. 1 John 4:19
S - Savour His presence. Psalm 16:11
E - Enjoy His creation. Psalm 8:3-5
Remember what I did all those years ago? I want to encourage you to try it out for yourself. Seven times a day for the next 30 days…
Praise break!
Praise God 7 times a day. Set a notification that you’ll notice seven times every day for the next 30 days. When the notification goes off - engage your whole heart - decide to praise God, zero in on the feeling of joy and do some action to praise God - raise hands, write it out, speak it out, sing it out…
Podcast - Are you hiding behind excuses to avoid being obedient to God. Want to learn more? Join the community at or listen to more podcasts and subscribe at
Listen to the Podcast - 7 tips to stop hiding behind excuses
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
Podcast - we are to be active in sharing our faith, but it’s not the easiest thing to do in Canada Want to learn more? Join the community at or listen to more podcasts and subscribe at
Listen to the Podcast - 7 Tips to have conversations that open the door to Christ
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation. Join the the Live LIGHT Community
7 Tips to have conversations that open the door to Christ
Philemon 1:7 says “I pray you may be active in sharing your faith so that you have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. How do we more easily do that?
Co-operation not competition.
More listening than it talking.
Have support responses not shift responses.
Ask open-ended questions.
Listen for the hunger.
When they ask, be prepared to tell
Share what God has done in your life.
Holy Spirit will teach you how to do this. Have grace for yourself. See to learn more.
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
Podcast topic - Do you think you have God all figured out? There is mystery you need to embrace. Here are tips to do start doing it today. Want to learn more? Join the community at or listen to more podcasts and subscribe at
Listen to the Podcast - 7 Tips to Embrace the Mystery of God
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation. Join the the Live LIGHT Community
7 Tips to Embrace the Mystery of God
Take time to marvel at the mystery of God. Hebrews 12:29
Understand the purpose in the question. Psalm 42:7
Give up your “right” to understand. Matthew 11:6
Look to what God is doing, not to what is left undone. Philippians 3:13-14
Agree to live without what God withholds. Jeremiah 18:6
Don’t believe every thought in your head. Jeremiah 17:9
Trust the trust maxim - The better you know God, the easier it is to trust him. Colossians 1:10
I help you fast from negativity and move to life-giving positivity. Learn more and sign up to get the 46 Daily Reflections, 46 Daily Devotionals AND the join a life-giving community so that you can move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity. Get it all at #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity